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Resolving Issues with Your Medical Bills

Does this sound like you?

You’re tired of spending precious time trying to figure out your medical bills.

You don’t know what an insurance EOB is, let alone how to decipher one.

You’ve received a medical bill that you’re pretty certain isn’t correct, but you haven’t the slightest clue how to fix it.


Jenni Nolan, BCPA

Hi, I’m Jenni.

Armed with 20+ years of experience in medical office management, physician- and hospital coding/billing, and an education in health information management, I became a board certified patient advocate (BCPA) in October, 2019 and started Clear Healthcare Advocacy.

My goal? To help overwhelmed healthcare consumers make sense of their health insurance and medical bills, so they can rest assured that what they’re paying for healthcare services is correct.


Claims Review and Investigation

Send us your insurance EOBs and associated medical bills. We’ll review them for accuracy.

Verification of Benefits

Let us figure if a certain service or procedure is covered by your plan and get you details.

Identification of In-Network Providers

We can help you determine whether a provider or facility is in your insurance network.

Corrected Coding

We’ll research your claims for potential coding errors and resubmit claims if needed.

Fee Negotiations

We’ll work with provider billing offices on your behalf to potentially reduce your balance and set up payment arrangements that you can manage.


Appeals usually result when your insurance company denies something that you believe should have been covered.

Simple Claims Resubmission

Submission to an incorrect insurance payer is a common mistake in medical billing.

Other Services

Have a problem or question regarding your health insurance or medical bills that you don’t see listed above? Contact us.


Jenni is fantastic. I tried to work the system myself applying for aid and writing appeals. I spent over a year and significant stress trying to get my case resolved. Jenni gave me encouragement and options right away. She knew exactly what to do, where to start, where to go. Within a few weeks she had reached through the barriers that I couldn’t get through and my case was resolved. I would recommend her to anyone and intend to send everyone who needs her straight away. Thanks again!

– Paul

I called my doctor’s office to ask about a bill that seemed strange. Their answer didn’t make sense to me, but I couldn’t make any headway in convincing the billing office to see—or fix—the problem.

Enter Jenni and her genius new business, Clear Healthcare Advocacy. Instead of having to call my doctor’s office again and push to understand the reason my claim was being denied, I contacted Jenni and she did all the work on my behalf! Her experience in the medical industry allowed her to understand all the terminology that intimidated me and to advocate for me from a position of expertise. And, she GOT ME BACK MY MONEY (in this case, $156!)!

Left to my own devices, I probably would have just admitted defeat or postponed the fight until I forgot about it, so this was the best deal ever! Jenni saved me money, time, and the stress of having to deal with annoying medical billing drama—I can’t recommend her enough.”

– Maria